Are You Using LinkedIn to Build, Grow & Scale Your Business,
to Generate Leads that Convert into Appointments 
& Conversations about what you offer?

Suitable for

business owners, coaches, consultants, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs & other business professionals.

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About Derick Mildred

A Specialist Social Media Speaker, Coach/Trainer and Online Business Growth Specialist, Officially a member of LinkedIn since Oct 2004.
Derick is well known for his experience and knowledge of LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn for Business Specialist, Coach & Trainer.
  • ​Officially a LinkedIn member since Oct 2004.
  • ​Used LinkedIn for Lead Generation Since 2014.
  • 80,000+ Connections / Followers.
  • 320+ Recommendations.
  • ​25 Million + Content Views.
  • Voted as One of the Top 50 Most Impactful People of LinkedIn for 2021 ​from Over 8,000 Nominations.
  • ​LinkedIn Rockstar - 3 X Top 3 / 75 LinkedIn Trainers Worldwide.
  • ​Publisher of the Popular Influencer & Rising Stars lists.
  • ​Founder of The LinkedIn Global Influencer Summit.
  • ​Published over 190 articles on LinkedIn.
  • ​Author / Publisher of #30Tipsin30Days.


"Derick constantly amazes me with his insight and original approaches to LinkedIn strategy and application for business. He is open, willing to give advice, and well respected within the LinkedIn community. Derick leads by example and many people find his enthusiasm and dedication to both brand building and position for business as well as his industry insights extremely valuable. The success he has achieved personally and professionally shows his extensive knowledge and dedication. I highly recommend Derick, follow him today.”

Anthony J James – LinkedIn Top Voice & Influencer.
(No 1 in Australia with over 4.0 Million Followers)